Flores Island is one of the major islands in NTT, which consists of many different cultures, including: Culture of East Flores, Sikka, Ende, Ngada and Manggarai. Each culture penjabarannya as follows:1. CULTURE OF EAST FLORESEast Flores is an archipelago with an area of 3079.23 km2, bordering counties in eastern Alor, Sikka district in the north west and south with the Flores Sea, Savu Sea. People who come from East Flores often called Lamaholot, because of the language used Lamaholot tribal language. The concept of traditional house East Flores has always been considered as the center of tribal rituals. The traditional house used as a place to honor Lera Wulan Tana Ekan (the highest form mengciptakan and the owner of the earth). Coating social community depends on the beginning of the arrival of the first inhabitants, because it is known that there are landlords who decide everything, allotment of land to the tribe Mehen who arrived later, followed Ketawo tribe who obtained the right to stay and work the land of the tribe Mehen. Mehen tribes maintain its existence is judged as a landlord, be they war warrior-warrior, who assisted Ketawo tribe. The livelihood of the East Flores / Lamaholot main visible in the expression as follows: Ola monument, here happen, lLua Watana, Gere Kiwan, Pau Kewa Heka ana, Geleka Lewo gewayan, Toran murine laran. Meaning: Working in the fields, Slicing wine, shelled (looking at sea slugs), work on the mountain, airport / gives life family (wife and children) to serve the motherland / homeland, receiving foreign guests.
2. CULTURE SIKKASikka is bordered north by sea Flores, Savu Sea in the south and east by the East Flores district, the western part of the district of Ende. The total area of 1731.9 km2 Sikka district. The capital of Maumere, Sikka is situated overlooking the north coast, the sea of Flores. Sikka said that the name is derived from the name of a place Indochina region. Sikka and hence the possibility of kewilayah archipelago began migrating eastward and settled in a village south coast of the Sikka. This name then became the first settlement in the district Sikka natives Lela now. This derivative will be the landlords in this region. Social stratification of society Sikka. The top layer is called Ama Gete Ine Gahar consisting of kings and nobles. The common signs of old coating it is to have inherited from the administration of traditional society, in addition to material possessions Warisa family and ancestors. The second layer is characterized by coating Ata Rinung exercise the functions of assistance to the nobles and continue all the mandate of the common people / people most commonly known as the third layer mepu or Maha. In general the people of Sikka district detailing some tribal name; (1) ata Sikka, (2) ata Krowe, (3) ata Tana ai, desamping was known tribes of newcomers, namely: (4) ata Goan, (5) ata Lua, (6) ata Lio, (7) ata Ende, (8) ata Sina, (9) ata Sabu / Rote, (10) ata Bura. Sikka people's livelihood in general agriculture. The calendar of agriculture as follows: Month Wulan Warrants - More Duru (OCT-November) are months to clean up the garden, plant, following in Bleke Gete-Bleke Doi - kowo (January, Pebuari, March) period for weed the garden (rice and corn) as well as picking, in the month of Goit Balu - Balu Epan - blepÇ (April s / d June) period for picking and planting crops / legumes. While at the end of the month calendar of agricultural work Pupun Porun Blebe Oin Ali-Ilin (August-September).3.BUDAYA ENDEThe boundaries of the area that stretches from the north to the south coast is the eastern part of the Sikka district, the western part of the county Ngada, north to the Flores Sea, south to the sea Sabu. Size Ende 2046.6 km2, the region's climate is generally tropical with an average rainfall of 6096 mm / year with the average number of rainy days in November Highest s / d in January. Most areas received the most rain is the central region like the mountain area Kalimutu, Detusoko, Welamosa ranging from 1700 mm s / d 4000 mm / year. Ende name itself is said there is a mention as Endeh, Nusa Ende, or in ancient literature mentions Inde or Ynde. There is a strong suspicion that the name was probably given about the 14th century when people maleyu trade large woven Tjindai nan considering the kind of gloves Patola in their trading voyage to Ende. Ende / Lio often referred to in the name of unity that can not be separated. Nevertheless ego attitude in mentioning himself as: Jao Ata ata Lio Ende or I can actually show no clear boundaries between the two hallmark of the appellation. Although the administration of a community called Ende / Lio living within clear boundaries as described above but in reality the area of culture (culture tereitorial) appears to be more extensive than in Ende Lio. The pattern of human settlements both in Ende and Lio generally at the beginning of the nuclear family / core baba (father), ine (mama) and ana (children) and then expanded after marriage, the boys settled in the main house is around the big house , The house itself in general are traditionally made from sago palm leaves and bamboo thatched reeds. Lio society aristocratic layer called Mosalaki ria bewa, bansawan middle layer called Puu Mosalaki and Tuke sani for ordinary people. The community is called Ata NggaE Ende nobles, kings derivative Ata Nggae Mere, called the intermediate layer and slave dati Ata Ata Hoo Hoo Hoo called Tai Manu.
4. CULTURE NgadaNgada is a district located between Ende (in the east) and Manggarai (in the west). Bajawa capital city located on a hill of approximately 1000 meters above sea level. This community is known four customs union (ethnic groups) who have various signs of unity different. The customs union is: (1) Nagekeo, (2) Ngada, (3) Riung, (4) Soa. Each customs union maintaining characterize kekrabatannya by supporting some sort of sign of their unity. Kekrabatan family means in addition to the nearby Ngada people generally in the form of the nuclear family, the family Sao broader one unifying symbol in (one Peo, one Ngadhu, and Bagha). The bond carries the name of rights and certain liabilities. Examples of each member kekrabatan of the customs union must obey the chieftain, especially on the ground. Every community has a house staple supporter (traditional house) with a Ngadhu who heads the base of the pit of Sao Saka puu. Traditional Houses also called Sao, a house made of materials such as Ende / Lio (roof wall and floor / stage). Traditionally marked by the custom house Weti (engraving). Carving consists of levels, for example Keka, Sao Keka, Sao Lipi Wisu, Sao Dawu Ngongo, Sao Weti Sagere, Sao Rica Rapo, Sao Lia Wheels. Top social stratification called Ata Gae, a middle layer called Gae Kisa, and coating the bottom called Ata Hoo. Other sources mention the usual social stratification is divided into three, Gae (nobility), Gae Kisa = Kuju, and the lower class (slave). Some are split over four levels, Gae (first nobility), Pati (nobility second) Steel (third nobility), and Bheku (fourth nobility). The wives of each coating especially the upper and middle coating called just Inegae / Finegae with the main task of the head of the house who decide everything in the house began to income and expenditure. Nagekeo community support Paruwitu culture (hunting culture), community support Soa Reba (culture of the new year, a harvest festival), Supporting farming culture in a wider sense is Ngadhu / Peo, occurred in some customs union Nagekeo, Riung, Soa and Ngada5. CULTURE MANGGARAIManggarai on the western tip of the island of Flores, is bordered to the east by the district Ngada, with Sealat sapepulau western Sumbawa / Bima district, north to south with the Flores Sea and Savu Sea. The total area of 7136.14 km2, this region can be said to be the most fertile in the province. Agricultural areas are very broad and fertile coffee plantations that stretched disebahagian its territory, namely the high rainfall of the year reached 27.574 mm, one-third of that amount (over 7000mm) fell in January. The capital of Manggarai is located approximately 1200 meters above sea level, at the foot of the mountain brought Pocoranaka Formation nuclear family consisting of father, mother and children called Cak Kilo. Expansion Cak Kilo Kilo formed a small clan, and the clan was a large clan Panga and Wau. Some terms are known in the system kekrabatan among others Wae Tua (derived from sister), Wae Koe (derived from sister), Ana Rona (derivative family mama), Ana Vienna (derivative family of sisters), Amang (brother mama), Host (sister of the father), Ema Koe (younger brother of the father), Ema Tua (elder brother of the father), Ende Koe (sister of the mother), Ende Tua (brother of mama), Ema (father), Ende (mama), Kae ( sister), Ase (sister), Nana (brother), and Enu (brother of the woman or wife). Manggarai strata of society consists of three categories, the first class is called Kraeng (king / nobility), Gelarang second class (middle class), and a third group Lengge (commoners). The king has absolute power, the tributes paid by the people can not be required to work compulsory labor. The Gelarang duty levy tribute from Lengge (commoners). The Gelarang a ground keepers king and as the mouthpiece between groups Kraeng with Lengge. Status Lengge is always threatened status. This group should always pay taxes, forced labor workers, and likely to become bondsmen who at times can be taken to Bima and very small can once again see his birthplace.
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