culture of Minang kabau ,west Sumatera indonesia

Ratik TagakHundreds of men, children and elderly, together down, then got up, shouting, "Allahu, Allahu, Allahu ...". Then, before ending, suddenly masses gathered around a young man who was unconscious, but his mouth still say Allahu endlessly.That tradition of ritual 'Ratik Tagak' in Nagari Pariangan, Tanah Datar held in Pandam Pakuburan Jorong Sikaladi. Elderly people and local leaders standing on higher ground. Ustazd a guide with a megaphone, and they began to move his body to the left, to the right and ducked while reciting Allahu.The action was attended by residents who attend, in place permukaannnya lower than the group of community leaders and the Elderly earlier. Participants at the bottom of this in general children and youth. With their spirit and join hands clasped palms of tanggannya. Then they bow, straight, bowing, and so on until exhaustion. Their movement is like worshiping something to the accompaniment of lafaz name of god.Every now and then stopped, then resumed again, until the so-called holy word has until the sum. When it ended that there were unconscious. It was called 'Malalu'.Youth who 'Malalu' is fall down on the ground, but he still make a move like that done while standing. Her lips were pale, his body sweat berkucuran. To revive him, aided by the flutter until he returns to normal.Ratik is the practice of Muslims in Minang in the name of God together. Tagak Ratik Known as done while tagak (standing).According to the Wali Nagari Pariangan April Katik Saidi, this tradition from generation to generation. In fact, he and the local people do not know when this tradition started early on. The local community has found and received the tradition of those who passed.Events Ratik Tgak Pariangan followed by all of society. They refer to this activity as a feast. The celebration after fasting six days pascalebaran Eid."So our people here are fasting six days after Eid. Ratik Tagak is a feast for the fast six, "said Saidi told Katik April after the event. April called the implementation of the annual event, always on a Thursday.In Ratik Tagak, in April, participants mentioned sacred sentences, such as Laillahaillallah and Allahu. The amount of each 33 times and then coupled with prayers and other holy word.Not just pray and Ratik Tagak, this tradition silaturrahmi aims to strengthen the relationship between the communities. After the religious rituals carried out, people eat together at an open site.Food was brought by the mother with 'tuduang-food'. April said there were about 600 tuduang serving contains a variety of foods, ranging from rice to bua fruits.In addition to the community in my hometown, ratik tagak also followed by nomads. For memeriahkannya, along the road to the event location, installed marawa. Residents who attended seen dressed, let alone 'bundo Kanduang'. They purposely dress up to come to the site, ranging from girls to grandmothers. (Arjuna / ED5)
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