Art of dayak Borneo ,Indonesia

Dance GantarThis dance depicts people planting rice. Stick depict pounder whereas bamboo wood and seeds in it describe the seed and container. This dance is quite famous and is often served in welcoming guests and other events. The dance was not only known by the Dayak tribe Tunjung, but also known by the Dayak tribe Benuaq. This dance can be divided into three versions of the dance Gantar Rayatn, Gantar Gantar Busai and ecstatic / Gantar Kusak.2. Kancet Papatai Dance / Dance WarThis dance tells the story of a hero Dayak Kenyah fight against the enemy. This dance is very agile, nimble, energetic and sometimes followed by the cries of the dancers. In this dance, the dancer uses traditional clothes Dayak Kenyah equipped with armaments such as saber, shield and armor.
The dance is accompanied by song Sak Paku and only use the instrument Sampe.3. Kancet Ledo Dance / Dance GongIf dance Kancet Pepatay describe masculinity and virility Dayak Kenyah, conversely dance Kancet Ledo describe the gentleness of a girl is like a piece of rice gently undulating in the breeze. This dance is performed by a woman wearing traditional clothes Dayak Kenyah and on both hands holding a series of tail feathers hornbill. This dance is usually danced on a gong, so Kancet Ledo also called Tari Gong.4. Dance Kancet LasanDescribing everyday life hornbill, a bird that is glorified by the Dayak tribe because it is considered as a sign of grandeur and heroism. Dance Kancet Lasan a single dance woman Dayak Kenyah same motion and position such as Dances Kancet Ledo, but the dancers do not use the gong and feathers hornbill and also the dancer much use position modestly and squatting or sitting with your knees touching the ground / floor , This dance is more emphasis on the movement of hornbill when flying and perch perched on a tree branch.5.
 Dance SerumpaiIt is a dance of the Dayak Benuaq done to resist disease outbreaks and treat people bitten by a rabid dog. Known Serumpai dance because dance is accompanied by musical instruments Serumpai (a type of bamboo flute).6. Dance Belian BawoBelian Bawo ceremony aims to resist disease, treat the sick, be fulfilled and so forth. Once converted into a dance, dance is often served on special occasions other arts. This dance is a dance of the Dayak Benuaq.7. Dance KuyangA dance of the Dayak tribe Benuaq Belian to expel the ghosts that keep large trees and in order not to disturb people or people who cut down the trees.8. Dance Pecuk KinaTrian illustrates displacement Dayak Kenyah tribe who emigrated from the Apo Kayan area (Kab. Bulungan) to the Long Segar (Kab. Kutai Barat) that takes many years.9. Dance DatunThis dance is a dance with the girl Dayak Kenyah with an uncertain amount, may be 10 to 20 people. According to history, this joint dance created by a tribal chief in Apo Kayan Dayak Kenyah called Nyik Selung as a sign of gratitude and joy at the birth of a grandson. Then the dance is growing all the provinces Dayak Kenyah.10.
 Dance NgerangkauTraditional dances in the event of death of the Dayak tribe Tunjung and Benuaq. This dance uses tools that dibentur rice pounder-knock regularly in a horizontal position, giving rise to a certain rhythm.11. Dance Baraga'BagantarInitially Baraga'Bagantar is belian ceremony to care for the baby to beg for assistance from Nayun Gantar. Now this ceremony had been turned into a dance by the tribe Benuaq.Music ArtNot much different from the art of dance, music Dayak-dominated music of ritual. Music is a tool to communicate and convey a message to the spirits.Some kind of musical instrument Dayak is prahi, Gimar, tuukng Tuat, pampong, genikng, glunikng, jatung lid, kadire, klentangan, and others.The entry of Islam influences in the art of Dayak music, with familiar music Tingkilan and tambourine. Tingkilan music resembles a stringed musical art and songs sung called betingkilan which means 'blared'. Performed by two men and a woman with the content of the song in the form of advice, praise, or satire.Here are some of the musical arts Dayak1. NgendauNgendau is bantering chanted. Usually by adults, both men and women are bersaut-sautan.2. Kalalai-negligentKalalai-neglect is the chant that accompanied the dances Dayak Mamadi Kotawaringin area.3. NatumNatum is the story of past history chanted.4. Natum PangpangalNatum Pangpangal is wailing grief in the event of the death of family members chanted.5.
DodoiDodoi is singing while at the boat oar or assembled.6. DondongDondong was singing at the time of planting rice and chop rice.7. MarungMarung is singing during the ceremony or a big party and festive.8. NgandanNgandan chant is sung by elderly people who are devoted to the younger generation as a compliment, flattery and affection.9. Mansana BandarMansana means chanted epic story. Bandar is the name of a highly revered figure of his day. Bandar live in an age Lewu Uju and it is believed that the city leaders is not just a myth. Until now certain people who vowed to figure Bandar. The fragrance name because in his personality very sympathetic and interesting, besides having the nature of heroism and magic like no other. Many sansana created to praise and glorify the character of this airport, but with a different version.10. KarunyaKarunya is singing to the accompaniment of the sound of music as worshipto RanyingHatala.Dapat also held at the ceremonyappointment of their leaders or to greetthe arrival of a highly respected guest.11. BaratabeBaratabe is singing to welcome the guests.12. KandanKandan is rhyme chanted and sung saut menyaut either by men or women in a wedding party. If the party held to welcome the honored guests then recited the sentences is more a word of praise, praise, prayer and their hopes on such an honored guest. This tradition is commonly found in the Dayak Day or Murung in District Lunch and Murung, Barito Hulu.13. Dedeo or NgaloakNgaloak Dedeo or equal to Kandan only yangberbeda term only, since Dedeo or Ngaloak is a tradition of Dayak DusunTengah area Central Barito, Central Kalimantan.14. SalengotSalengot rhythmic rhyme is usually held on the feastweddings, but funerals forbidden by custom Salengotto be implemented. Special Salengot carried out by men intells the story to the start of the wedding the bride and groomThe.Musical instruments commonly found in the Dayak culture isas follows :1. GarantungGarantung is gong consisting of 5 or 7 pieces, made of copper.2. SarunSarun is percussion instruments made of iron or metal. The sound is generated only five tones.3. SalungSalung together with Sarun, but Salung made of bamboo.4. KangkanungKangkanung is a type of gong with a smaller size of five seeds, made of copper.5. Gandang MaraGandang Mara is a kind of percussion instrument drum with the size of half to three-quarters of a meter.
Bentuki cylinder tewrbuat of wood and the end cap surfaces in buckskin has dried. Later in the cane belt in order and louder again given a stake.performing artsDrama traditionally found in Kutai community in the form of art Mamanda. This drama royal drama plays and played in traditional ceremonies such as marriage or a circumcision. Pementasannya shape resembles ludruk or Ketoprak.ArtDayak fine art seen in sculpture and sculpture dominated the local ornamental motifs that are taking the characteristics of nature and spirit of the gods and used in traditional ceremonies. There are various sculptures with a variety of functions, including the following.Statue talismans are considered nutritious treat upacara.Patung blontang penyakit.Patung completeness, a kind of totem pole in Indian society. In addition, art Dayak look at traditional crafts like kelembit (shield), ulap Doyo (traditional cloth), anjat (woven bags), lymph Aban (sling), seraong (cap), and others. Art Dayak tribe is part of the richness of cultural heritage to be proud of.Dayak Religious SystemBased religinya, residents of the province of Central Kalimantan (Dayak) can be divided into four groups, namely Islam, indigenous religions, Christianity and Catholicism. According to the Representative of Religious Affairs Central Klimabtan province, the people of Islam are the largest group.
A large number of people that Islam is certainly due in Central Kalimantan province today there are many immigrants. In the downstream areas of large rivers many indigenous peoples or Dayak people who also have become Muslims since more than a century, but before the days of World War II, they usually do not want to be considered the dayak again because that would imply a lout, and in those days was considered demeaning.The original religion of the indigenous population is Kaharingan religion. The term is used after World War II, the time between the natives of Borneo raised an awareness of their own cultural identity and a strong desire to revive the culture of the indigenous Dayak. Christianity started to go from mid-century ago, and the stream of Christianity that at the present time the greatest number of adherents is the flow of Borneo Evangelical Church. The new Catholic religion spread among Dayaks began in the time of independence.Kaharingan's people believe that the nature around her life was filled with the spirits and souls that occupy pole home, big rocks, big trees, woods, and water, the essence of nature around human habitation.
There are two classes of spirits, there is a class of good spirits and evil spirits group. Besides, there is also a spirit that has a very important role in the life of the Dayaks, is the spirit of the ancestors. According to the beliefs of the Dayak tribe, the dead soul leaves the body and occupy the surrounding natural human dwellings as the spirit of the ancestors. Eventually the spirit of the ancestors will return to the supreme god called "Ranying", but the process will take a long time and through various obstacles and tests to finally get into the world of spirits called "Lewu Liau" and facing Ranying.
The realization of confidence in the ancestors and other spirits embodied in religious ceremonies. There is a series of ceremonies that do prang on the important events in her life, such as the welcome ceremony child birth, baby bathing ceremony for the first time, the baby's hair cutting ceremony, as well as burying and cremation ceremonies. If the Dayak people dead, the body will be put in a coffin-shaped wooden canoe and then in a massive fuel called "Tiwah". And after the burning process is finished, especially the skull bones were dug up and then the family moved to the cemetery remains, a beautifully carved building, called "stumbled".Because the funeral was conducted on a large scale by a number of families, then show it can take from a week to three weeks in a row.
Due to the many visitors who want to witness the ceremony, it takes a huge cost because it forced the ceremony can only be performed once in seven or eight years. The ceremony was also filled with songs very long without using the text and also displays an interesting sacred dances.Dayak people also know the religious ceremonies performed by some families, the ceremony concerned with agricultural fields, with a view to increasing the fertility of the soil, resisting pests and crops were plentiful. During the ceremony, led by a man named "Balian", often appear various elements of the occult.

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