TENUN IKAT OF FLORES Nusa tenggara Timur ,Indonesia


The existence of weaving in Flores has a very long history. There is no record in particular is how the culture of weaving originally present in people's daily tradition Flores.Ikat, see the traces of history in the world, spread not only in the Asian community, but to Central and South America, as well as Japan, even the people who are in the trade route "Silk Road" recognize and inherited by the current so-called fabric weaving. With a presence in the various parts of the world, including in Indonesia, despite the uniqueness of different techniques and motifs, weaving can be said to constitute a common cultural heritage of the world community.Ikat has long been used as everyday clothing by the community. Ikat also traded for value. Traditionally, weaving serves as a symbol of status, wealth, power, and dignity. Therefore, the belt is made so unique and special is associated with these symbols. In each sheet of woven cloth, the motive becomes not just an image.Motif has a very deep meaning which is a form of manifestation of a symbol of ethnic, religious, traditional rituals, until the special symbols that make a belt motif is a representation of society. Rolling with the times, is associated with the motive, engineering, manufacturing process, and its origin, a cloth belt for the people can be considered to have a certain magical power and its use can only be attributed to the customs and rituals of the indigenous stakeholders.Not unlike the ikat Flores. With different ethnic groups, each weaving Flores is a straightforward representation of society. Every ethnicity has its own motifs and techniques that made the difference between one ethnic with ethnic others.Even for a single ethnicity, they have special motives are used only for specific clan. For the layman, see ikat Manggai, Ngada, and Nagekeo will not find any difference. Both of them integrate into the fabric songket tenunnya. However, when observed more observant and overall, their motives have special distinction.Therefore, see weaving in the end is not just a fabric, but it is a history in which we can explore and learn about a society with different values ​​of life that is so unique, deep, and full of meaning.
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